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People die not only of Covid, but also of a “system” based on terror …

My brother-in-law's father died yesterday. A 71-year-old man with Parkinson's. His wife was in the hospital and he alone at home and positive for coronavirus . First he was terrified of this diagnosis and then literally abandoned. He lived in a red zone and no one, not even his children, dared to approach him to help him because they created this climate whereby those who are positive cannot even be looked at from afar, they are plagued. The symptoms were those of a flu but these, and much more the situation of isolation and abandonment, made him lose his fragile balance. He refused to eat and drink, did not take or randomly take the medications he had to take to contain Parkinson's, and lost his alertness every day. After almost 10 days in this state, his wife returned home and found him in a pitiful condition: incontinent, dehydrated and disconnected. So in those conditions the fever found fertile ground to rise. The wife consulted the doctor and he, on the phone and being careful not to go to visit him, ruled that the fever absolutely had to be kept low because otherwise, with Parkinson's he would have lost all sense. And so he ordered his wife to give him Tachipirina every time the temperature was over 37 degrees. As the fever tended to rise, this man came to take Tachipirina every two hours. Since this was too much even for the doctor, he suggested alternating Brufen with Tachipirina every two hours. After a few days with this horse treatment, this poor man yesterday morning had a temperature that barely reached 35 degrees, after which he collapsed to the ground and died. His heart, already weakened by Parkinson's, didn't hold up.

Now, officially this person has died from Covid . But did this man die from the virus or from the system that was created around this virus? If there were no extreme terrorism and all the restrictive measures, the children, or someone else for them, would have gone, on the days when their father was alone, to feed him and drink and give him the drugs they needed to keep. Parkinson's at bay. Under normal conditions, a normal doctor would have gone to see him and cheer him up at home, or you could take him to some specialist. Instead, he was treated like a plague: visiting him meant violating some damned Dpcm, quarantine and hello to work and everything else. Many family doctors have forgotten the Hippocratic Oath (if they ever did) and the further away you are, the better.

Clearly, the coronavirus has nothing to do with it. This man, even if he had taken a very banal flu, if he had been frightened, abandoned and badly treated in this way, he would still have died. But for the statistics, for the neighbors and for those who knew him, he is yet another victim of this crazy pandemic. Another number that will corroborate the dystopian and hallucinating theses of the Arcuri, the Zingaretti and the Gauls for which the outbreaks lurk inside the house and it is there that the police must defeat them. There is an incredible deployment of health forces to find and swab perfectly healthy people and then there is a lack of staff to treat those who really need them. In the meantime, Ricciardi, consultant to the Ministry of Health and representative of Italy in the World Health Organization, announces that a new pandemic is coming, far more dangerous than this one and that it will really change our lives. Welcome to Hell…

The post People die not only of Covid, but also of a "system" based on terror… appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/si-muore-non-solo-di-covid-ma-anche-di-un-sistema-basato-sul-terrore/ on Wed, 11 Nov 2020 03:32:00 +0000.