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Economic Scenarios

7 must-see books on banks, usury and money

7 unmissable books on banks, usury and money, this is the proposal of Gingko Edizioni di Verona.

In this bundle you will find 7 must-see books:

  • Economics explained easy
  • Usurer, vil damned race
  • The tyranny hidden in our money
  • Sermons in the desert
  • Usurocracy unveiled
  • History of central banks

Economics explained easy

It is the best seller of the publishing house, which was also a best seller on Amazon.

He was awarded with the Diploma of Honor of the jury of the Milano international competition and with the Quality Mark at the Quality Micro-publishing Competition.

awards and prizes to the easy explained economics book

Sold over 6,000 copies, it has reached two editions and four reprints.

detail of the book of economics explained easy

Usurer, vil damned race

In an unfair and dishonest financial system, private banks will mint money for their own personal gain. Companies organized for production will be under their domain.


It is inspired by the famous documentary blockbuster and programming in theaters for its category.

The book reveals the backstage and everything he failed to say in the film.


The tyranny hidden in our money

The national debt cannot be capped. To impose a debt ceiling is nonsense, because it will cause deflation and eventually there will be no more money around.

Sermons in the desert

A collection of articles by Paolo Barnard written from 2008 until the day before the end of Mario Monti's mandate, on April 28, 2013. It deals with international, national and economic politics.

Usurocracy unveiled

Whoever controls the issuance of money possesses a weapon of unprecedented power. Those who can produce it from nothing can also buy both material goods and all those men who are ready to sell themselves, in contempt of any morality. Knowing the power of usury is the necessary step to create a prosperous and just society.

History of central banks

Stephen Mitford Goodson was born in South Africa, where he graduated in Law, Philosophy and Economics.

He entered the world of finance and in 2003 held the position of director of the South African Reserve Bank, with the ambition of wanting to transform the world of South African finance.

He has published a dozen books, often creating huge controversies.

Gingko Edizioni has reserved a special price for the readers of Scenarieconomici.it, but for a LIMITED PERIOD.



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The article 7 unmissable books on banks, usury and money comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/7-libri-imperdibili-su-banche-usura-e-moneta/ on Mon, 01 Nov 2021 13:49:17 +0000.