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90% of our readers do not want Italian soldiers to be sent to Ukraine


After Macron's statement that he did not rule out sending soldiers to fight directly in Ukraine, and the fact that other countries, such as Lithuania, have not discarded this possibility, we thought it was right to ask our readers if they thought it appropriate that our military put “Boots on the Field” in the defense of Ukraine.

Your participation, for which I thank you, was very broad. the issue is evidently felt and there is a widespread feeling that someone is pushing the limit of Italian military participation further and further, one step at a time, so, at least, they wanted to create a clear and insurmountable limit .

However the result was the following.

The voter base, considering that the survey was online for only 36 hours, is quite high: 3427 votes. I must say that, following the evolution of the vote itself, there were moments in which just over 3% expressed their support for the intervention. The increase in positive votes was in the final stage, but could not change the overall result.

If the Italians confirmed the vision of our readers, and there is no reason not to believe so, there would be no democratic justification for sending our soldiers and the government would have to take this into account. Furthermore, given the polls in France, Macrn seems further away from public opinion than ever, like, probably, a good part of the European leaders

We will soon hold another survey on Italian international commitment.

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The article 90% of our readers do not want Italian soldiers to be sent to Ukraine comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-90-dei-nostri-lettore-non-vuole-linvio-di-soldati-italiani-in-ucraina/ on Sun, 03 Mar 2024 08:30:09 +0000.