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A confused Biden mistakes Syria for Libya. Will he have joined the M5s?

yesterday Biden's usual gaffes went a little further, questioning his true cognitive abilities and showing advanced aging at 78. Last year, during the election campaign, a series of bizarre and questionable moments of "concern" – all filmed – were dismissed by the mainstream media as pro-Trump conspiracies.

During Sunday's press conference following the G7 summit in Cornwall, England, Biden stumbled upon a speech in which he confused Syria for Libya three times in less than 90 seconds. Not a good sign.

He also spoke of "Russia's inability to guarantee basic economic needs to the people", forgetting that this is the main weapon of the US and that if something is lacking in the Syrians it is mainly because of the US. However, the whole speech was bordering on the incomprehensible.

“We can work together with Russia, for example in Libya. We should open the door to be able to pass through, provide food and economic assistance… I mean, vital assistance to a population that is really in trouble, ”he said, while clearly meaning Syria.

A bad show that questions the president's ability to handle the stress of the presidency.

We could have the doubt if, like some pentastellato, he did not know that Libya and Syria are two different entities. But tiredness is more likely to have confused him. What a bad situation for the United States of America.

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The article A confused Biden mistakes Syria for Libya. Will he have joined the M5s? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/un-confuso-biden-scambia-la-siria-per-la-libia-si-sara-iscritto-al-m5s/ on Tue, 15 Jun 2021 08:00:00 +0000.