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Adverse reactions to the vaccine and compensation: why, if it is so safe, is there no immediate procedure?

The video you will see below, taken from Radio Radio, talks about a son who weighs his father, still young, due to an adverse reaction to the Astra Zeneca vaccine, proven and related. The father is motion, the son has received neither closeness nor economic help. Yet it would be easy: even in Australia they have made available an online desk, a portal, to request reimbursements for those who have had negative side effects, and reimbursement is automatic, upon presentation of medical documentation, for less serious cases. while for serious cases or death it must go through a commission.

If the vaccination campaign is so safe and has so few contraindications, then why isn't there a simple way of listening and reimbursement, or financial help, for those who have had adverse events? Given that often the wrong comparison is made between the vaccination campaign and the war, why are the wounded and those who survived not reimbursed. Even in the disaster of the First World War, with Diaz, insurance was created that provided a small, but significant, figure to the survivors of the fallen. And it was 1918. Now in 2021, after a century, is it impossible to reimburse a person who has become incapacitated or who has lost a dear relative due to adverse reactions? Have we reached this level of baseness? Instead, these people, if they ever want to try for something, will have to embark on costly legal practices.

Does anyone decide to resign? When will someone pay?

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The article Vaccine Adverse Reactions and Compensation: Why, If So Safe, Is There No Immediate Process? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/reazioni-avverse-e-indennizzi-perche-se-e-cosi-sicuro-non-ce-un-procedimento-immediato/ on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 12:05:57 +0000.