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Economic Scenarios

Asia: what are the energy sources country by country?

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that by 2025, Asia will account for half of world electricity consumption, with a third of global electricity consumed in China.

To understand how this growing electricity demand is currently being met, Visual Capitalist's Sam Parker and Selin Oğuz created the chart below, which maps the major sources of electricity in Asia by country, using data from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy and the IEA.

While clean energy is gaining traction in Asia, coal currently accounts for more than half of the continent's electricity generation.

No Asian country relies on wind, solar or nuclear energy as a primary source of electricity, despite the combined share of these sources having doubled in the last decade.

The comparison shows that the slight decline in reliance on coal, natural gas and oil over the past decade has been absorbed by wind, solar and hydroelectricity. The large growth in total electricity generated, however, means that far more fossil fuels are being burned today (in absolute terms) than at the start of the last decade, although their share has declined.

After coal, natural gas ranks as the second most used source of electricity in Asia, with most of the demand coming from the Middle East and Russia.

If in 1990 China accounted for only 5% of global electricity demand, by 2025 it is on the way to 33%. The country is already by far the largest electricity producer in the world, generating nearly twice as much electricity annually as the world's second largest producer, the United States.

With such high demand, China's current source of electricity is worth considering, as are its plans for its future electricity mix.

Currently, China is one of 14 Asian countries that rely on coal as their primary source of electricity. In 2021, the country will get 62% of its electricity from coal, for a total of 5,339 TWh of energy. To put this into perspective, that's about three times all the electricity generated in India in the same year.

After coal, the rest of China's electricity mix is ​​as follows:

China is investing heavily in green sources, but nuclear power is also strongly present in its energy mix.

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The article Asia: what are the energy sources country by country? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/asia-quali-sono-le-fonti-energetiche-paese-per-paese/ on Wed, 15 Mar 2023 09:00:32 +0000.