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Living abroad as a retiree: which destinations to choose?

Retirement, for many former workers, takes on the contours of an opportunity to take the right rest from a career full of satisfactions and goals, enjoying the family and dedicating oneself to one's passions.

For many others, however, retiring translates into the possibility of making different life choices that they could not make before. An example is to decide to move to another country; therefore, which are the most suitable destinations for retirees? Let's find out together.

The ideal countries to move abroad

Going to live abroad after retiring is an important life choice because, on the one hand, you leave your country of origin, your habits and loved ones, and on the other you have to evaluate a series of aspects such as destiny of one's home in Italy and which place to choose to move to.

In any case, to make such a radical change in one's life requires sufficient liquidity to organize and make possible every aspect of the transfer. If the sum necessary to cover all the expenses is missing, an idea could be to rely on solutions such as loans for retirees through institutions present on the web , in such a way as to receive the sufficient amount for the transfer. Having said this, let's now see which countries are considered most suitable for people who have retired.

One of the very first places that the retired could consider is the Canary Archipelago, a group of islands belonging to Spanish territory: what are the advantages of this location? Basically, the tax regime that permeates this locality is decidedly favorable: the retirement paycheck is totally free of regional or municipal taxes, therefore the total figure increases by about 15%.

Furthermore, the standard of living is much more sustainable than in Italy, with VAT at 7% and with an average cost of spending around 20/30% lower than in the Bel Paese. Temperatures remain mild throughout the year, while utilities and rental costs are lower than in Italy.

Not far from the Canary Islands is Portugal, a nation in which the retiree can benefit from a tax exemption for the 10 years following retirement through rather streamlined bureaucratic procedures. Here too the climate is mild for about 300 days a year, while the cost of living is 25% lower than in Italy.

Overseas, Ecuador is certainly a nation full of possible advantages for the retired: from discounts and concessions for the over 65s to the mild climate, passing through the low cost of health care and the sustainable cost of living.

Returning to Europe, Bulgaria is a very advantageous country for the life of a retiree, since the health system is quite good and the prices of food, utilities and transport are absolutely affordable.

Moving to Southeast Asia, a nation that stands out for its incredible tourist appeal and absolutely low cost of living is Malaysia. Here, the food is of high quality and the healthcare system is quite efficient and reliable.

In general, Mexico , Thailand, Costa Rica, Panama, the Philippines and Senegal are other countries in which the retiree can benefit from a very low cost of living and bureaucratic procedures aimed at ensuring him a second part of life comfortable and full of satisfaction.

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The article Living abroad as a pensioner: which destinations to choose? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vivere-allestero-da-pensionato-quali-mete-scegliere/ on Tue, 14 Mar 2023 10:21:38 +0000.