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Australia and France united by the Freedom Convoy

People are tired, very tired. After being deceived and deluded for a long time, now she just wants to protest and rebel. Not everyone is asleep from TV like in Italy.

Today, two places almost at the antipodes have been united by the "Freedom convoy" that is the widespread protest all over the world against vaccination obligations, lockdowns and various Green passes, Covid Pass etc. A campaign that started from Canada, where it focused against Justin Trudeau, and where it blocked Ottawa, but also the bridges that connect Canada and the USA, and where they are preparing to clear them violently.

Anyway, here is the crowd that gathered in front of the Canberra parliament. If you consider that the Australian capital is a relatively small city, of only 400,000 inhabitants, and is in the middle of nowhere, it is a large number of people who have traveled hundreds, if not thousands, of km.

There have also been some arrests, fortunately few.

In the meantime, also in Paris, where the police have done everything to prevent the trucks from reaching the center, as we will see later. Despite this, there was a great procession that traveled the Champs Elysées.

There have been clashes with the police who have released the only gas currently available at low prices in France and throughout the EU: tear gas. In this case it was used in large quantities, so much so that it even gassed the people who were having lunch in the restaurants on the famous boulevard.

As we see the French police behave in a friendly way with those who go to the protests, providing the necessary assistance

The policemen erected anti-truck blocks and even cut off traffic on the Paris ring road, such was the fear of the Freedom Convoy. But now there are only so many blows to repress freedom.

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The article Australia and France united by the Freedom Convoy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/australia-e-francia-unite-dal-freedom-convoy/ on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 17:43:57 +0000.