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BERLIN: GREAT NO-COVID MANIFESTATION REPRESSED BY THE POLICE: Conservative German newspapers call for the use of repressive violence

Tensions in Berlin against the lockdown : thousands of Germans – about 10 thousand – demonstrated in the afternoon in the district of Mitte and in the area of ​​the Brandenburg Gate . Demonstrators protest against the new restrictions while parliament discusses the bill that expands the executive's powers on anti- covid restrictions . Delegates from Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) also took part in today's protests. One parliamentarian, Hansjoerrg Müller, compared the changes to the German constitution in place to the 1933 Enabling Act of the Nazis, the "sine qua non" of their seizure of power. Everything degenerated with the arrival of the police , who rejected the demonstrators with tear gas and fire hydrants: the right to demonstrate now seems a chimera in an era in which assemblies and protests are sacrificed to control the virus, as well as the freedom to openly criticize government decisions in the streets.

After all, as you can read from the title of the conservative daily Die Welt, now a part of the German power apparatus requires, in an open way, the violent repression of dissidents, with batons and blows. It is clearly affirming that freedom is only good when it is guided by the single thought and everything else can, or rather must, be beaten. a pre-fascist or pre-Nazi government situation that should make us think.

Good vision.

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The article BERLIN: GREAT NO-COVID MANIFESTATION REPRESSED BY THE POLICE: The German conservative newspapers demand the use of repressive violence comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/berlino-grande-manifestazione-no-covid-repressa-dalla-polizia-i-giornali-conservatori-tedeschi-chiedono-luso-della-violenza-repressiva/ on Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:50:39 +0000.