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Biden wants the no-vax military to be “dishonorably discharged”

The Biden administration is pushing for troops who refuse to vaccinate against Covid to be "dishonorably discharged" or sent to court martial to be tried for disobedience.

Republican Representative Mark Green of Tennessee this week proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prohibit "any, if not honorable, leave" for troops who refuse vaccines.

The White House responded with a statement stating that " The administration firmly opposes section 716 (honorable resignation) ", arguing that "it would take away readiness and limit a commander's options to enforce good order and discipline. when a service member fails to comply with a legal order to receive a vaccination ”. . "

The statement added: "To allow a uniformed force to fight with discipline, commanders must have the ability to issue orders and take appropriate disciplinary measures ."

Responding to the statement, Representative Green said, “I am appalled that the Biden administration is trying to remove my amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which prevents everything but honorable leave for service members who refuse to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine ".

Green added: "It was a bipartisan amendment: every Democrat on the House Armed Services Commission accepted it."

" No American who raises his hand to serve our nation should be punished for making a highly personal medical decision ," Green said earlier.

Another section of the bill, 720, proposes that troops that have previously been affected by COVID-19 should be exempted from vaccination. The Biden administration also opposes this rule, arguing that it creates "a new and too broad exemption from the vaccination requirement for the previous infection that would undermine the effectiveness of the requirement."

The House is expected to vote on the NDAA early Thursday morning.

In reality, even if hidden, there is a certain resistance to the vaccine even among the US military.Otherwise it would not be explained why, for example, an order has come that provides for the non-return to service of the SEALs, special corps, if not after vaccination. It means that a significant number of the members of the special forces do not want to be vaccinated….

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The Biden article wants the no-vax military to be "Disgraced" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/biden-vuole-che-i-militari-no-vax-siano-congedati-con-di-disonore/ on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 16:04:13 +0000.