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Economic Scenarios

Prodi and Freccero: Evil, and Benino, are in front of

In the last few days, finally, the tactics of the elites of control and government, those who want to impose their choices on us by making them pass for ours, have clearly revealed themselves. Evil, if we can call it that, is represented by a Romano Prodi, who tries to show off in view of the elections for the President of the Republic.

In view of this deadline it was defrosted and sent on TV to Di Martedì, where, with a smile on his mouth, he explained to the Italians how, for thirty years, he made fun of them with the boiled frog tactic

So you have to use fear, little by little, to conform the people to their duties. There are much less brazen dictators than Prodi. It's not over

The "Italian genius" for Prodi is to place bans, to force people into illiberal behavior. I don't know what genius this is, perhaps the one who made him march in the Black Shirt

Then in “Benino”: finally a breath of alternative thought to Stasera Italia, promoter of the referendum against the Green Pass. You can be for or against, but Freccero's words, if nothing else, highlight the need for a democratic dialogue in a world that is evolving beyond the control of the people, rather than crushing it.

Freccero may have a wrong position, but at least he asks himself some questions, he wonders where we are going, who is the driver. Even Palombelli had to admit that the “Great Reset” project exists, that these changes are not conspiracy manias, but real problems on objective elements. It is the antidemocratic and smoky behaviors of the elites that create the hypothesis of conspiracy. Democracy would be enough to dispel them.

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The article Prodi and Freccero: Evil, and Benino, are in front of comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/prodi-e-freccero-il-male-ed-il-benino-sono-davanti-a/ on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:54:09 +0000.