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Economic Scenarios

Blocking the 110% assignment: a mess that’s about to blow up tens of thousands of posts

The combined provisions of some sentences of the Court of Cassation, which admits the seizure of the transferred credits in case of suspected fraud, and the decree announced by the MEF have had a dramatic consequence on the market of the transfer of the 110% tax credit, already previously wobbled: they completely blocked it.

Today the president of the Inarcassa Foundation, the body active on issues of the profession of the social security institution of engineers and architects, Franco Fietta said: " The Superbonus 110% is a time bomb that the government will have to know how to handle carefully " , given that " the drift of the measures adopted over time is bringing the credit transfer market to a definitive collapse, and the professionals, businesses and citizens involved will pay the highest price". "the continuous interventions of the Legislator and a sometimes short-sighted vision of part of the political class and administrative bodies have transformed the superbonus into a 'spot' measure which is upsetting the credit transfer market with very serious consequences for all the operators concerned". Not only “ The mountain of credits blocked in the tax drawers of companies and professionals that the banks do not buy, because they have exhausted the available limit, or even for fear that the judiciary could subject them to seizure. If it is true that there is no obligation for the banks to purchase credit, as Minister Giorgetti has declared, then we are awaiting immediate direct intervention by the Government on this front. Because, in fact, a running reversal was imposed on the purchase of credits. These were certainly not the starting conditions that guided the work of all of us, professionals, businesses and citizens”.

It goes without saying that there are tens of thousands of jobs from the companies involved. According to the CNI study centre, 110% created around 150,000 jobs and the measure was, however approximate and botched, effective. If Italy's GDP did not go down in flames despite the crisis, it was because of this measure. Frankly, I don't understand why the new government does not commit itself not only to its maintenance, but to its refinement and improvement. Evidently there is someone working against the welfare of the Italians, not overtly, but maneuvering with skill and behind the scenes.

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The article Blocking the 110% transfer: a mess that is about to blow up tens of thousands of seats comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/blocco-della-cessione-110-un-pasticcio-che-circa-di-far-saltare-decine-di-migliaia-di-posti/ on Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:27:36 +0000.