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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: «A fair battle, but a losing one. 30 years of apolitics do not disappear in a month “

Claudio Borghi's night video to explain his position after he lost the No which he strongly supported in the referendum. Could one really think of beating 30 years of apolitics, of “Rubbbano”, of “political thieves” in one month of electoral campaign? The battle was right, it had to be done, it was the right side, but it got lost.

So we must take note, as we must know that there is a 30% of the population that is connected and that is what we hear on social networks, but there is also a 70% that is not and that it is deep Italy. We must therefore be realistic, even if obviously there is disappointment, but, we add, also knowing that there is a lot of dissemination and information work for the people, and not only via the web. At some point we will have to go among those who are not on twitter.

For policies, Ceccardi has worked a half miracle. Could he do more? Yes, he could have won, but he came close. We are waiting for a candidate of the PD who “Almost wins” against Zaia in Veneto, or look at the M5s in Liguria.

We thank Inreverente

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The Borghi article : «A fair battle, but a losing one. 30 years of apolitics do not disappear in a month » comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-una-battaglia-giusta-ma-perdente-30-anni-di-apolitica-non-spariscono-in-un-mese/ on Tue, 22 Sep 2020 09:15:29 +0000.