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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: Message of May 1st. We have to work “Inside”, otherwise nothing is achieved

Long message from Claudio Borghi to explain, even in a fairly thorough way, how we try to work to change current politics, work that cannot be done by opposition motions. Being in the majority is a problem, also because the current majority, forced by the refusal of the President of the Republic to dissolve the Houses, is heterogeneous, but there are not many other solutions. Unfortunately M5s + PD + LeU still have the majority, which is why we still have Speranza, the bad Hope, as minister and with him his equestrian circus of experts.

You can only intervene "from within" and playing on the bank to create an alternative majority that must include Forza Italia and Italia Viva. Then, when this happens, something can be done, as happened with the reopening. Too bad that the exact opposite happened on the curfew: when the League tried to delay the curfew and immediately the Gelmini of Forza Italia said that it was okay. At that point there was nothing more to be done.

And the opposition motions? Useless, if not harmful. They are always rejected by the majority, which at most steals its contents …

Good listening and thanks to Inreverente.

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The Borghi article : Message of May 1st. You have to work "Inside", otherwise nothing comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-messaggio-del-primo-maggio-bisogna-lavorare-dentro-se-no-non-si-rggiunge-nulla/ on Sun, 02 May 2021 11:38:48 +0000.