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Economic Scenarios


You will take the MES. You will be forced to take it because the Brussels of vonderLeyen will order it, which has already forced you to carry out the reform itself. That Brussels where you went to get Minister Gualtieri . The ECB will not continue for long to act as a lender of last resort, to buy securities in secondary markets, to broaden the capital key rule or to force its role on interest rates because the ECB's instruction booklet does not provides this.

The Japanese government yesterday approved another stimulus plan amounting to 580 billion euros. So, when the ECB stops pretending to be market makers, interest rates will rise and the rules of the financial markets will be played and since no one will cover our backs anymore, the Government will have to access the ESM credit line, other than dismantle it. Conte and Gualtieri promised Mrs. Ursula that we would be disciplined schoolchildren and that Italy will be ready to restructure the public debt as the hawks want, thus again imposing sacrifices, cuts and austerities . You are betraying the sense of the vote of the latest policies: the majority of Italians wanted to get out of the system, from the cage and for this they had democratically rewarded the forces that presented themselves as anti-system.

You are completing the transition from sovereign people to sovereign markets, from citizens to sovereign lobbies and sovereign aprons. You have emptied this Assembly, you no longer have shame. To sustain this government of "euroinomani" the MoVimento 5stelle is cheating the program presented to voters, is betraying the citizens who wanted to see him battling to defend the sovereign people and those who fight the right battles can die, true, and those who flee as you are doing it, it will remain alive, at least until the end of the term . But many years from now, you are sure that you will not dream of bartering all the days you have lived from today for another chance, just another opportunity to defend the freedom of Italians, to reject the blackmail of finance, to scream that the Brussels rules are infamous blackmail? You saying yes today, you are saying yes to the ESM. You are paying homage to Charon with another stroke of the oar to push the Italians towards euro-hell. No MES. Long live Italexit ! "

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The article COMPARE: AS YOU HAVE APPROVED THE MES YOU WILL ALSO APPROVE ITS USE. You will send the Italians to hell comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/paragone-come-avete-approvato-il-mes-approverete-anche-il-suo-uso-manderete-gli-italiani-allinferno/ on Thu, 10 Dec 2020 10:20:10 +0000.