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Conte in the absolute emptiness of the CSX takes the leadership. We’ll see if it imposes itself on Draghi

Conte speaks and something says:

  • He stands as the "hijacker" of the Draghi government, which wants "political government" to "continue the experience" of success of the previous government. Already these words should make Draghi shiver;
  • he also stands as the leader of the M5s, and this is quite easy given the inconsistency of the same, but also as the leader of the entire center-left, all without even a fake primary vote. This is to be laughed at, were it not to cry: parties that, at least in theory, are the heirs of seventy-year political and historical experiences are unable to express a leader and rely on an upstart of politics, chosen by Bonafede. Togliatti and De Gasperi are turning in the tomb.

This tells us a lot about the possible evolutions of the Draghi government.

  • He will really want to create the government of the best, but in this case he can only present a profound break with the previous government;
  • It will end up being a political government of the center-left, therefore, let's say, a political government "dressed up", that is, a Count III supported by Renzi and the Five Stars. these will want to put some of their men, and remember that the M5s defended with tooth and nail people of the caliber of Azzolina and Bonafede, and the PD was ready to barricade for Gualtieri. So it will be a real disaster, especially for the President's reputation.

Whatever happens, the appointment of Conte appears to be very much ahead of its time. And if you think that he will have to deal with Conte too, you have a complete picture of the situation. Either way it will be a disaster.

Here is the press conference, no questions asked, with a table (perhaps with three legs) and two and a half minutes long.

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The article Conte in the absolute emptiness of the CSX takes the leadership. We'll see if it will impose itself on Draghi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conte-nel-vuoto-assoluto-del-csx-se-ne-prende-la-leadership-vedremo-se-si-imporra-a-draghi/ on Thu, 04 Feb 2021 14:50:30 +0000.