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Covidiota madness: nurse wants to do a covid test on a newborn baby in the UK

There is something that is really not working in today's world. What we present to you is a video, shot in the National Health Service (NHS) of that country, in which a nurse wants to force a pregnant woman, who is about to give birth to a child, to subject the baby to the Covid test as soon as she comes to the light, ignoring that, even if the mother had never transmitted CovSars-2 virus to the child, this would still have the mother's natural immunity, in addition to the fact that it would have been enough to test the mother herself. First the video then the test of the demented discussion:

The shocking video shows a pregnant mother in a hospital bed as nurses want to catechize her how it is mandatory to have the baby undergo a COVID test immediately after birth.

It's mine ”, says the mother, to which one of the nurses replies, “ sure… while the baby is in your abdomen “.

So you are saying that once the baby comes out he is no longer mine? yes it is, I gave birth to it, it is crossed by my blood “, says the mother.

Do you really think I need these COVID shit when I'm in danger of losing my baby? The woman asks.

The father of the child then suggests that the couple be nurses to leave the hospital, stating: " They will not test my child for COVID – end of discussions ".

" You can't tell me you can give me the word on what happens once my baby is born – I don't think you can do anything to my baby without my permission, " says the mother.

The nurse then responds by saying that the mother's refusal to subject her baby to the COVID test will be documented and passed on to social services, which essentially means that the mother will be investigated for negligence and possibly face authorities seeking to remove the child from. his care.

"You are so good, aren't you, folks?" the mother sardonically states at the end of the clip, possibly in reference to how nurses in the UK were deified as a result of the pandemic, with people being invited to attend weekly applause sessions to show gratitude to the NHS at one point. .

Now if the mother did not have covid-19 she certainly could not have it as a baby. If the mother had had covid, the baby would have been born with the natural immunity due to the mother. What is the point of this torture?

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The article Covidiota madness: nurse wants to do the covid test on a newborn baby in the UK comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/follia-covidiota-infermiera-vuole-fare-il-covid-test-ad-un-bambino-appena-partorito-nel-regno-unito/ on Sun, 01 Aug 2021 18:04:24 +0000.