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Economic Scenarios

Do you administer badly? I ask for a refund of taxes. Here’s what’s happening in San Francisco

Dozens of San Francisco businessmen have formed a new association to ask the city government to refund taxes due to runaway roads.

The 'Tenderloin Business Coalition', made up of 135 businesses and homeowners in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood, has filed for 2022 tax refunds after dealing with rampant crime, homelessness and drug use that has hurt financially the neighborhood, as the San Francisco Chronicle reports . An openly illicit drug trade has driven frightened shoppers away from tax-paying neighborhood businesses, according to the trade association, leaving the area, which is the heart of the city, very close to collapse.

This is not the first community association to ask for the intervention of the city hall: in August, even the shopkeepers of the Castro district threatened not to pay taxes if their requests to improve road conditions were not met. Traders in the Castro neighborhood had complained to city officials for years that mentally ill and drug addicted homeless people were wreaking havoc on their businesses. Shopkeepers wrote that vagrants living on the streets "regularly experience psychotic episodes" and have vandalized shop windows and harassed owners, employees, residents and tourists.

“If the city can't provide them with the basic services to become a successful business, then what are we paying for?” Dave Karraker, co-leader of the association, told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Mayor London Breed pledged to send more police to the Castro neighborhood in September, but this has apparently not solved the problem for the city as a whole. Petitioners in the Tenderloin Quarter meanwhile have demanded “a full refund of all sales and property taxes paid to the City of San Francisco in fiscal year 2022” after city officials allegedly abandoned their responsibility to protect citizens. , as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.

“The city has abandoned its commitment to provide a safe foundation in the neighborhood, and so the significant efforts and investments made by business and real estate owners to keep their blocks safe and clean have come to naught. It is clear that the state of the neighborhood is in decline. We believe this is a violation of the city's implicit agreement with taxpayers: pay your taxes and the city will provide safe streets,” the business coalition wrote.

Imagine if in Rome citizens paid taxes based on the services provided by the municipality!!

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The article Administer poorly? I ask for a refund of taxes. Here's what's happening in San Francisco comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/amministri-male-chiedo-il-rimborso-delle-tasse-ecco-cosa-sta-accadendo-a-san-francisco/ on Mon, 26 Dec 2022 10:12:38 +0000.