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Economic Scenarios

“Donate two degrees Celsius to the Fatherland!”. The superficiality of the media and a government plan that is useless. While Europe is sending us to the bottom

The Minculpop has started: 90 years after the "Gold to the Fatherland" of lictory memory, now we have reached the "Giving two degrees to the Fatherland". Parliament even, their goodness, will close the heating an hour earlier, which is not complicated if you live in Rome and it is now mid-March, but which I would like to see applied by transferring the parliament, for example, to Susa or Tarvisio. Furthermore, with great contempt for ridicule, the usual moralizers of a tot a kilo are already at work

Meanwhile, Draghi does not see a recession, but only a "slowdown in growth", a gentle euphemism for a recession, which happens when the slowdown brings the speed of growth first to zero, and then to negative numbers. By dint of slowdown it goes negative, but this is only a "Slowdown", do not worry. Despite this, decisions are being prepared which, on Wednesday, should give a more "warlike" approach to our economy. We speak of "Ban on the export of strategic assets", when the most strategic asset, energy, sees us completely dependent on foreign countries, and on a hostile foreign country, all not for a divine curse, but for a linked choice to wrong national and European strategies of the last 30 years. We have abandoned the secure Libyan supplies, also because of France, to bind ourselves to Russia on German orders. We have abandoned the national production of gas to satisfy the small, basically stupid localist selfishnesses, and now we are paying the cost.

From an energetic point of view, what transpires from the Draghi plan is little more than nothing.

  • lowering of the temperature in the houses (and in the summer how will we do with the air conditioners? All in the mountains?)
  • modification of office opening hours to reduce the use of heating (negligible savings, facade size),
  • strategic industrial gas stops to facilitate accumulation, saying goodbye to heavy industry and to that, such as ceramics, which are more convenient;
  • nine billion in aid on bills, against about forty higher costs;
  • "Ban on the export of strategic products" including wheat, in a country where we have 4 million hectares no longer cultivated because agriculture has long been considered an annoying diversion to be sacrificed in the name of European policies and to be reduced to the production of some limited excellence.

On the supply side, the most important one, for now we are not trying to do anything. It seems that the government is now a slave to the EU, to a Tiemmerman, commissioner for the environment and vice president of the commission, who started even more in charge with the "Green transition", which in Italy turns into a transition towards cold and towards unemployment. The Versailles Summit underway will bring nothing concrete from an energy point of view, just as the elusive "Plan" to detach from Russia prepared in Brussels by the Commission did not.

It seems incredible that national and international bodies that have blatantly failed the policies of the last 30 years continue to preach the same measures, the same "Plan A", which has failed, which is failing and which will fail, in front of ours, and yours, eyes. This is no longer a slow path towards decay, but a rapid ride towards self-destruction, all surrounded by farcical characters, such as Gassman, who think they are "Giving gas to the homeland", without realizing that such moves are demagogic. and laughable, from a practical point of view. Without serious measures, there is no risk of putting on an extra sweater, but of starving to death.

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The article "Donate two degrees Celsius to the Fatherland!". The superficiality of the media and a government plan that is useless. While Europe sends us to the bottom comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/donate-due-gradi-centigradi-alla-patria-la-superficialita-dei-media-e-un-piano-del-governo-che-non-serve-mentre-leuropa-ci-manda-a-fondo/ on Fri, 11 Mar 2022 11:11:16 +0000.