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Drones for good: in Sweden a life-saving defibrillator drone

Technology can also serve for good. We almost always hear about drones as just instruments of a war nature, used to kill people, but in Sweden a drone was used to save a life, as reported by the German newspaper FAZ .

In Gothenburg a defibrillator dropped from a drone, together with the intervention of a doctor who happened to pass the area, saved the life of a 71-year-old man who suddenly went into cardiac arrest. The doctor present said that indeed the defibrillator carried in flight was essential in saving the life of the heart attack.

This drone is part of an ongoing experiment conducted by the Karolinska Institut Medical University in the Gothenburg area and which uses drones to deliver immediate medical assistance, through the use of drones, in emergency situations. Imagine if, in the event of a sudden illness, in the space of a few minutes, a defibrillator or an obscure medical instrument intended for diagnostics could arrive by air, wherever you are. It is now known that adequate first aid action is essential to save lives or limit the damage caused by adverse events, so the use of a rapid instrument, which moves in flight and able to travel many kilometers in the arc minutes, regardless of traffic, can be essential.

The head of the experiment, Mats Sallstrom, says that 200,000 people in the Gothenburg area can be quickly reached by the drone and that this can also reach inaccessible or island areas. We hope that this experiment will also be imitated in Italy, perhaps in inaccessible mountain areas, almost forgotten you know health services.

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The article Drones for good: in Sweden a life-saving defibrillator drone comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/droni-per-il-bene-in-svezia-drone-defibrillatore-salva-vita/ on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 09:00:57 +0000.