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Elections in Germany: AfD is the second party in Hesse and (almost) in Bavaria

The political derby for second place between Af, Social Democrats and Greens in the two states voting today, Hesse and Bavaria, ended in favor of the identity party in both cases in the exit polls, while the parties of the "Traffic Light" coalition , especially the liberals, come out with broken bones. In Bavaria, the final data saw the "Populist Center" party of the Free Citizens (FW) in second place, which overtook the AfD by a margin, but in the end very little changed. This is a populism that is friendlier to the CSU than that of the AfD…

Let's see the results in the two Lands. Bavaria first:

Final data

This is instead the result in the Land of Hesse

Final results

The "electoral sample" was large, just under 10 million voters in Bavaria and more than 5 in Hesse.

The data emerging from these elections are the following:

  • The CDU/CSU holds in Bavaria and strengthens significantly in Hesse;
  • All the government parties lost heavily and the liberal democrats of the FDP left the regional parliaments, not exceeding 5%;
  • AfD is growing everywhere;
  • the CDU/CSU will also be able to create governments excluding the AfD, for example by continuing the agreement with the Greens in Hesse and in Bavaria with the “Free Citizens” (FW).

The FW are not the Liberal Democrats, despite being part of the same European group. their position is much more similar to that of the AfD…

So the climate is very bad for the “Traffic Light” government, SPS + Verdi + FDP. In neither of the two Lands does the government coalition reach not a majority, but 40%. A disaster that portends major political troubles, even if not immediate, for Chancellor Scholz.

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The article Elections in Germany: AfD is the second party in Hesse and (almost) in Bavaria comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-in-germania-afd-e-il-secondo-partito-in-assia-e-in-baviera/ on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 20:06:05 +0000.