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Fusion plasma space engine: calculated how it will work

Expansion beyond our solar system is a fascinating prospect, but current technologies are insufficient to support interstellar travel. However, there is a technology under development that could make such adventures possible: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drives (MFPDs), also known as fusion propulsion systems.

These propulsion systems represent a revolution in space exploration and interplanetary travel. Their basis is nuclear fusion, a process that involves combining light atomic nuclei, such as deuterium and tritium, to generate enormous amounts of energy. This process is different from nuclear fission used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs.

In MFPDs, nuclear fusion reactions create fast-moving, high-energy plasma. This plasma is then ejected at high speed, generating the thrust needed for propulsion. The precise details of the design and mechanism vary between different fusion drive concepts.

Compared to traditional chemical rockets, fusion propulsion systems offer numerous advantages. They feature much higher exhaust speeds, allowing for faster travel, and consume less fuel, improving overall efficiency. These systems could pave the way for faster travel both within and outside our solar system.

To better understand how MFPDs work, let's talk about magnetic fields. The plasma generated by fusion reactions is controlled and manipulated using magnetic fields. This control ensures controlled directionality of energy and plasma release at high speed. Additionally, the MFPD concept envisions the ability to convert some of the fusion energy into electrical energy to power the spacecraft's onboard systems and control.

However, it should be emphasized that creating functional fusion propulsion systems is a significant technological challenge. Achieving and maintaining the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion on a spacecraft is extremely complex. Researchers are exploring different confinement techniques, but these technologies currently remain in development.

Professor Neukart

Florian Neukart, professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and member of the board of directors of Terra Quantum AG, highlights the importance of research in this area. While there are challenges to overcome, the potential of fusion propulsion is extraordinary. Achieving reliable and efficient fusion propulsion could open new frontiers in space exploration, allowing humanity to discover and understand the cosmos in an unprecedented way.

In summary, while interstellar travel currently seems like a distant dream, Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drives represent a promising gateway to this adventure. If research and development continues successfully, we may one day see humanity explore the stars with nuclear fusion-based propulsion, opening a new chapter in space exploration.

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The article Fusion plasma space engine: calculated how it will work comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/motore-spaziale-a-plasma-di-fusione-calcolato-come-potra-funzionare/ on Mon, 09 Oct 2023 06:00:10 +0000.