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Elections in Spain: Popolari and Vox win, Socialists beaten, extreme disappearance

The Partido Popular wins regional elections for the first time in the province of Seville and Andalusia, a true socialist historical bastion and in the city of Juan Espadas, mayor of Seville until a few weeks ago. The extreme left disappears, or almost, and disappears instead the movement of Ciudadanos center. However, this was a resounding victory for the PP.

Here are the election results. Percentages first

Here are the resulting seats instead

The PP won eight seats in the capital of Seville, obtaining almost 40% of the votes. A figure that represents five seats more than the three parliamentarians obtained in the 2018 elections. For its part, the PSOE gets six deputies for Seville – the same ones obtained in the last regional elections -.

Vox gets two seats for the province of Seville with a support of 10.90%, which keeps it in the same number of parliamentarians it reached three and a half years ago.

Even in Spain, a socialist fiefdom, things are profoundly changing. The economic crisis also bites them, even if less than in Italy, and the voters are scared and tired of the pseudo-environmentalist policies that are also prevalent in the European Parliament.

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The article Elections in Spain: Popolari and Vox win, Socialists beaten, extreme disappearance comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/elezioni-in-spagna-polari-e-vox-stravincono-socialisti-battuti-estrema-scomparsa/ on Mon, 20 Jun 2022 06:30:11 +0000.