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Economic Scenarios

Expensive Fuel: the Government is making cash on the skin of citizens and Letta is already thinking of enriching its clientele.

Up to now Draghi and the Minister of Economy Franco have rubbed their hands. As P orro points out on his blog , they've never made as much money as they do now, and they don't seem to have any intention of quitting.

Davide Tabarelli, president of Nomisma Energia, explained it to us in a very simple way during last Sunday's appointment with the Economic Soup: " we at Nomisma have calculated – underlined Tabarelli – that at this price the treasury collects 12 cents every liter of fuel. By calculating that the volume of fuel used in our country is about 40 billion liters, the tax just described is easily calculated ".

In short, it is the government itself that could significantly intervene in reducing the cost of fuel by “sterilizing” the growth of VAT itself. In practice, it could give up a substantial portion of these 4 and a half billion or even the entire sum without having any budgetary problems.

Moreover, this operation had already been carried out a few years ago by Bersani who, in order to reduce the incidence of VAT, had intervened on the quota relating to excise duties (today they are worth about 75 cents per liter). In recent days, it was France that intervened in the same way by reducing the cost of each liter of fuel by 15 cents.

Not only excise duties on fuels, there are excise duties on energy and gas, in addition to VAT which is proportional. In short, billions that the state collects and puts in the budget, taken from the pockets of Italians increasingly in difficulty and companies on the verge of closure. Why doesn't the government act like France or even Spain and cut excise duties by sterilizing VAT as well?

Simple: there are customers to feed, the customers of the usual

Here is the brilliant idea of ​​the PD: Create the usual group of maintained by the state, of "friends of friends" of the various Coop, associations, etc., to be maintained at the expense of the community. Instead of lowering the price for everyone, a nice gift is given to the few, all on the shoulders of the many. After all, Draghi is just another “PD area technician”. And with the PD there is only the end of everything.

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The article Caro Carburante: the Government makes money on the skin of citizens and Letta is already thinking about enriching its clientele. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/caro-carburante-il-governo-fa-cassa-sulla-pelle-dei-cittadini-e-letta-pensa-gia-ad-arricchire-le-sue-clientele/ on Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:19:28 +0000.