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Fabio Dragoni interviews Luigi Cavanna, head of oncology and hematology in Piacenza, who during COVID-19 started home therapy for 300 people, none of whom died of Covid-19 and who, with his protocol and his treatments, opened a new path to home treatment of the disease. Dragoni makes a post on Facebook to announce the interview on La Verità… and Facebook censors it. warning him that, for this time, they only delete the post, but next time …

In reality, Facebook, not even in bed, the interview with Dr. Cavanna who, among other things, was officially awarded and named "Honorary Policeman" for his activity, but in advance comes to censor anyone who wants to talk about Covid-19. because only Facebook has the truth about everything, even about diseases. Only what FB says is right, the others can be deleted.

An interview that deserves to be read.

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The article PREVENTIVE CENSORSHIP OF FACEBOOK TO… FABIO DRAGONI comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-censura-preventiva-di-facebook-a-fabio-dragoni/ on Sat, 22 Aug 2020 17:23:21 +0000.