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Economic Scenarios

For the Euro they promised you great things, and they gave you the opposite. Intervention by Malvezzi

The Euro was a failure. Given all the promises made in the nineties to convince us that the Euro was successful, they turned out to be false and not real. even on pensions you have been told a lot of lies. “Whenever they talk to you about pensions , they actually confuse your ideas. In fact, the question is basically when to retire. The problem of the socio-economic situation in Italy is another:

  1. How many people are looking for work in Italy ? From 2007 to 2014 we had a doubling of the number of job seekers. We have reached about one million people. But what's the problem? That from 2014 to 2020 the curve drops and returns to around 600,000. The real problem is that people are giving up looking for work. There is simply no work intentionally, in an economic system that has the aim of not creating work.
  2. What is the inactivity rate in Italy after the euro? There is a growing curve, it means that all the promises made during the introduction of the euro and in the European treaties are false.
  3. Are there more people looking for work or inactive in Italy? More people are inactive. It means that we have an Italian company in which we have an explosive situation. To the point that the real political fact is that in the end we will have a society in which very few will be able to sustain productivity. We will have a society of unemployed people.
  4. Has the euro benefited the unemployed and inactive in Italy, among young people ? We have gone from a percentage of just over 30% to a percentage that has exceeded 45%. It means that this country has no future.

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The article For the Euro promised you great things, and they gave you the opposite. Intervention by Malvezzi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/per-leuro-vi-hanno-promesso-grandi-cose-e-vi-hanno-dato-lopposto-intervento-di-malvezzi/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 06:00:34 +0000.