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The New Year's Eve in France was not as calm and controlled as Macron would have liked, on the contrary it was illuminated by the fires of burning cars and by the music of some big, indeed in one case certainly huge, rave parties.

We begin to see how many young people from the suburbs have thought of illuminating the new year with "Joyful" car bonfires:

  • Angers first, where at least 41 cars

  • In Strasbourg, where these combustion phenomena are quite frequent, at least 50 cars were burned, but other sources speak of much higher numbers

  • In Brittany, in Lieron, a large rave party was held with over 2000 young participants. The police tried to intervene, being rejected, also targeted with fireworks and had a burnt steering wheel. Eventually the party went on and the police just formed a cordon to prevent more people from joining

A similar party, albeit with much lower numbers, was held in Marseille and also in this case the police kept their distance and, while monitoring events, they avoided intervening.

We have come out of a very hard year for public order and exasperation is seizing France, with the Police who are at the limit of their possibilities. Interventions are now selective, even when there is imported damage to private assets.

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The article FRANCE ON NEW YEAR'S EVE: CARS ON FLAMES AND IRREGULAR MEGA- RAVES comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-a-capodanno-auto-in-fiamme-e-mega-rave-irregolari/ on Fri, 01 Jan 2021 18:27:16 +0000.