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Economic Scenarios

Freedom Convoy in Brussels? An idea, but …

The reporter from VRTnew s, a Flemish newspaper, Steven Decraene, says that the French truck drivers who protested in Paris yesterday intend to occupy Brussels between Sunday and Monday. The problem they risk facing is very practical: they do not know the city and what are the essential nodes. In addition, the Brabant region, precisely because these gestures are feared, has been banned from forming convoys so it is not clear how these truckers could reach the city.

The "Freedom Convoy" held a major protest action in Paris on Saturday. The aim was to block the highway that surrounds the center of the French capital. Resolute police action prevented this from happening. Many vehicles were checked, many fines were imposed and some (suspected) protesters were even arrested. Meanwhile, in central Paris, police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators who had gathered there. Some of the French protesters intend to go to Brussels today to protest here, along with many Dutch and possibly German and Belgian protesters. It remains to be said how large the group will be in Brussels.

Steven Decraene was present at the protest in Paris on Saturday. Several hundred, and possibly more, French demonstrators are expected to come to Brussels. It is estimated that there were over 10 thousand in Paris, so it is enough for a slice of them to move to cause a significant demonstration. Not to mention the possibility of contributions from both Belgium itself, Germany and the north of France.

They are people who have been campaigning for years because they are dissatisfied. They feel like they are losers in modern society. They feel that everything is decided above their heads , ”explains Steven Decraene. Which presents Europe's biggest problem: either you are in the core of power or you are not represented by anyone.

“The protesters assume they can reach Brussels. After all, they say they are doing nothing wrong. They'll just drive here in a convoy. From time to time they also break up the convoy, so as not to make it appear so. They also believe that the reaction of the Belgian police will not be as firm as that of the French police ”. They risk being disillusioned, because the Brussels police are now also ready to use force.

A ban on motor vehicle demonstrations has been introduced in Belgium. Police warned Saturday that failure to comply will result in prosecution. However, police are considering the possibility of a traffic stop in and around Brussels on Monday. The public is advised to avoid traveling to Brussels unless they need to be present. Among other things, half European authorities are away, given that next week the plenary will be held in Strasbourg …

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The article Freedom Convoy in Brussels? An idea, but…. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/freedom-convoy-a-bruxelles-unidea-ma/ on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 11:05:40 +0000.