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Economic Scenarios

Hope grants us the psychologist bonus. Pathetic patch on the hole to clear his conscience.

Today at half an hour more the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza was particularly in shape: the treatment of infections, hospitalizations and the employment of intensive care is decreasing and this, of course, is not due to Omicron or to the natural trend of the epidemic, but to his tireless work. We are sure that essential measures, such as the use of the FFP2 on trains, perhaps kept in the pocket for a week, or the spacing in stadiums (but not in theaters) will have been the basis of its success.

But the news is another: the Minister therefore took care to announce that, after a long fight with a knife between the teeth in the Council of Ministers, he managed to obtain the Psychologist Bonus for all Italians. HURRY !!

How to throw money to cure the consequences and not the causes. Yet treating the latter would be simple: it would be enough for these confused minds without scruples, without skills and without second thoughts to disappear from the radar and dignifiedly leave their usurped positions. People to whom we are already paying the psychiatry bonus right away. We hope they use it.

Of course, on the one hand, the government takes away the Superbonus, or it doesn't help us with stratospheric bills that make entire families desperate, but on the other hand, it guarantees us a Psychologist Bonus because, in the face of the difficulties that he himself has created, people do not go crazy. So those who lose their jobs because they do not want to get vaccinated and will suffer from hunger can do so comfortably sitting on the psychologist's sofa. Will the next step be the fire extinguisher bonus for those who, perhaps, are so desperate as to want to set themselves on fire? We are very grateful to him and, as worthy people of Fantozzi, we sincerely express our gratitude.

(Of course, there is a big risk: that the psychologist advises to "Identify and eliminate the causes of stress." Then yes that would be trouble for the good minister!)

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The Hope article grants us the psychologist bonus. Pathetic patch on the hole to clear his conscience. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/speranza-ci-concede-il-bonus-psicologo-la-patetica-toppa-sul-buco-per-ripulirsi-la-coscienza/ on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 18:24:27 +0000.