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General Milley confirms contacts with the Chinese military and does not deny acts of treason. They damage the US image

Joint Chief of Staff Milley has been accused of contacting his Chinese counterparts to promise to warn them in the event of a US attack, as well as trying to sabotage President Trump's strategic arms control. A series of accusations emerged from a recent book by the Washington Post reporters Woodward and Costa and which configures, if true, the crime of treason.

The General has issued a statement to try to limit the damage with a statement that you can read here, but it doesn't seem to have gone well. Here is the press release.

The Chief of Joint Staffs regularly communicates with defense chiefs around the world, including China and Russia.

These conversations remain vital for enhancing mutual understanding of US national security interests, reducing tensions, providing clarity, and avoiding unforeseen consequences or conflicts.

His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in line with these duties and responsibilities by conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability.

All general calls to its counterparts, including those reported, are structured, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the Interagency.

Additionally, in line with his responsibilities as senior military adviser to the President and Secretary of Defense, General Milley frequently holds meetings with uniformed intelligence leaders to make sure all leaders are aware of current issues.

The meeting on nuclear weapons protocols was intended to remind Pentagon uniformed leaders of established and robust procedures in light of media reports on the subject.

General Milley continues to act and advise within his authority in the legal tradition of civilian control of the military and his oath to the Constitution.

The devil is hiding in detail because, as many have noted, the general has not denied at all the accusations of being offered as an informer of the Chinese counterparts made, and of having sabotaged the President of the United States, Failure to deny becomes an admission of guilt.

Obviously Biden confirmed the utmost confidence in the General whose acts are politically motivated in favor of the Democrats. One wonders how honorable this is for the administration, but, after what happened in Afghanistan, it seems useless.

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The article General Milley confirms contacts with the Chinese military and does not deny acts of treason. Damage to the US image comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-generale-miley-conferma-i-contatti-coi-militari-cinesi-e-non-nega-gli-atti-di-tradimento-danno-allimmagine-usa/ on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 06:00:44 +0000.