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GLOBAL CLASH – “RESET” vs. “RESET” – The epochal change is upon us, who will win? (by Cosimo Massaro)

by Cosimo Massaro

The apocalyptic scenarios that we are experiencing in this historical period see a final clash "… between the children of light and children of darkness" as stated by Monsignor Viganò, in a letter sent to President Trump.

The majority of the population, unfortunately, indoctrinated by the propaganda imposed by the dominant single thought fails to realize the extent of the global events that are happening. At the end of this battle the world will no longer be as we have known it so far.

On the one hand we have the "Deep State", that "Deep State" which determines, with its hidden direction, the true fate of history. A system of government that has been working for centuries to carry out its shady goals. Already in the first half of the nineteenth century Honoré de Balzac wrote: "There are two stories: the official, lying story that is taught to us ad" usum delphini ", and the secret story, where the true causes of events are found, a story shameful." The current propaganda represents the future history written for posterity ad "usum delphini". But we must necessarily go further, dig into the plots of events and make the truth aware to win those forces of light that are working to awaken us from the oblivion into which we have fallen.

The "Deep State" which currently dominates the world and which aims to impose the NWO (New World Order) has infiltrated all states. Through its political and economic system it has placed its men in all key positions of politics and society: ministries, mass media, economy, health, culture, universities, schools, entertainment, cinema and much more. Nothing has escaped control, its tentacles are everywhere, in the heart of the institutions. They are within both the "right" and "left" politics of the so-called "democratic" Western countries, such as the USA and Europe, in economic and military powers such as Russia and China and also in that Vatican State which should represent the work of Christ in the world.

An unrecognizable, modernist, relativist, progressive Church with two Popes, an epochal historical fact that should make us raise our antennas on the times we are living in. The first, Benedict XVI, the true Pope, who still signs himself "PP XVI" that is Pontiff of the Popes (Pontifex pontificum) forced to resign, when, the usurocratic elite that controls the international payment circuit through the Swift, prevented the bank of the Vatican any transaction. Few people know that the accounts were blocked, the IOR could no longer carry out any financial transactions and payments of any kind. The second, Cardinal Bergoglio, had him elected thanks to the help of the "San Gallo mafia". (1) A "Pope" in perfect line with the New World Order, who glossed over the figure of Christ and stopped taking care of the salvation of souls to deal mainly with earthly politics. With his work he is feeding illegal immigration, the environmentalism of the facade, he is clearing the gender culture. With a false ecumenism Christ is annulled in the agreements with Islam and the pagan rite of the goddess Pachamama (2) is celebrated in the Vatican, it even comes to terms with the Chinese Communist Party, allowing them to manage the future "church" operating in China, sacrificing that true historical Chinese Church that has always been faithful to the papacy.

The economic "FALSE RESET" that the lords of the Deep State are working on, with the premises described, planned in their power groups such as Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Club of Rome, are of the Gattopardian style. Change everything to change nothing.

The latest meeting of the global elite, held on June 3 in Davos, the “World Economic Forum” established the guidelines for the future planetary economy. The “fourth industrial revolution” planned in Davos envisages an exponential use of robotic, digital and 5G network technology to enhance industrialized work, sacrificing millions of jobs around the world. For this reason, for years they have divulged the theories of the "Club Di Roma" and Malthusianism (3) to convince us that there are too many on earth and that the resources are not enough for everyone. Convinced the masses of their reasons, to solve the problem, the "evil geniuses" have thought of halving the world population. They no longer need an excess of manpower.

Their revolution also includes the advance of transhumanism, a redesign of man through technology, eugenics, gender culture, total control of the data of each individual, the environmentalist culture aimed at gaining consensus, uncontrolled immigration to generate new populations, stateless and without any historical-cultural tradition functional to the single dominant thought. A shapeless mass willing to work for a few cents an hour. Their false "Reset" foresees on a financial level, not a true zeroing of world debts, as it should be if a true global jubilee were to be implemented, but a shift of the circulating money supply from the real economy towards the techno-financial economy, with a massive transfer of household savings to elite-managed finance. With these premises it is also necessary to frame the fight against cash that they are carrying out with the excuse of fighting tax evasion. Cash gets out of control and this is intolerable to them.

Returning to the Leopardian concept, to change everything in order not to change anything, the primary tool that the "evil geniuses" have at their disposal remains unchanged, their debt currency, that is the "currency of satan" that has indebted all the peoples of the world.

However in these apocalyptic times, for the lords of evil, who are putting in place their last blows of the tail through the global health dictatorship, exploiting the covid-19, and then most likely moving on to a military dictatorship, some grains of sand are is embedded in their shady gears. Men like Trump and Putin are effectively obstructing the NWO with their actions and they have demonstrated it in all these years with facts. Thanks to them, the wars in the Middle East have stopped for now, Trump has put the Federal Reserve under the control of the Treasury and is fighting against the power of drug multinationals including Bill's Big Farma and Melinda Gates. The most important thing they are working on together with so many other countries is a true global reset.

The "TRUE RESET" , which I hope will be implemented, is the one envisaged by the GESARA project (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act) to which many countries would already seem to have joined. This project is based on the “Quantum Financial System” (QFS), a quantum financial system aimed at restoring global currencies. Through this quantum computer placed in orbit with satellites, a new currency will be created, that is, a new currency no longer issued in debt and which will be based on the real wealth of the adhering countries. The money supply will be quantified on the basis of the real wealth generated by the country's productivity, GDP and also by all the gold reserves and goods it owns. The current SWIFT circuit, now managed by central banks and controlled by the deep state, will be replaced by this new monetary circuit, aimed at the welfare of the people. To all this, I hope that paper money, however it may be, will not completely disappear because it always remains a fundamental tool for the freedom of every individual.

In conclusion, I am sure that the Good will triumph in the end and in order to answer all the defeatists who can only see the work of evil on earth, I always remind them that as evil exists, so also does Good. We live in a dual earthly dimension, where the juxtaposition of opposites also serves to allow the spiritual evolution of each incarnate on this school planet. The Good will never know in advance where, how and when it will operate. Good as evil works in the hearts of each of us, beyond the political, associative and religious labels that the system tends to attach to us. All of us, without exception, will always respond to the universal law of free will that will make us cross the threshold of death with the weight of our individual decisions and not those taken collectively. That free will that makes each existence worth living.

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The article GLOBAL CLASH – "RESET" vs "RESET" – The epochal change is upon us, who will win? (by Cosimo Massaro) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scontro-globale-reset-contro-reset-il-cambio-epocale-e-alle-porte-chi-vincera-di-cosimo-massaro/ on Sat, 17 Oct 2020 05:50:45 +0000.