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Green against green: climate activists in Germany fight against Greenpeace on nuclear power

Kids from the Nordic countries who fought against “Global Warming” have taken a step forward in their protest. Many have united to support carbon-free energy, i.e. nuclear energy, targeting a sacred monster of green ideology . The protest was directed against the environmental group Greenpeace. "Greenpeace is stuck in the past," say the young protesters. "It fights against clean, zero-carbon nuclear energy as the world literally burns."

With their campaign "Dear Greenpeace", the climate activists of the environmental organization "Replanet" want to be heard as an interested party in the legal dispute between the European Commission and Greenpeace before the European Court of Justice. In court they want to provide expert opinions in favor of climate-friendly nuclear energy.

Greenpeace had appealed against the European Commission's decision to include nuclear energy in the EU taxonomy. With its taxonomy, the EU directs investments towards preferential energy sources which are supposed to be climate-friendly.

Greenpeace, on the other hand, has been fighting nuclear energy for decades. The group warns of the accidents and the seemingly unresolved issue of radioactive waste repositories. However, data released by the UK non-profit Our world in Data shows that nuclear power is among the safest energy technologies. The first repositories are already under construction.

No greenhouse gases are released when generating electricity from nuclear power, which is why the United Nations Climate Change Council classifies the technology as adequate for slowing global warming. Young climate activists are now launching a petition calling for Greenpeace to stop their campaign against nuclear energy.

But in Germany the nuclear question is an ideological question, not a logical one. The German Greens, almost a political arm of Greenpeace, were born precisely for the fight against nuclear energy at a time when the country was still divided between West and East and nuclear energy was not only energy, but above all a weapon. Many remember the sensational protests against the nuclear trains that carried the waste, so similar to today's roadblocks.

Germany has phased out of nuclear power and has had to upgrade CO₂-intensive coal-fired power plants to generate electricity. 'I protested in horror against Greenpeace when they campaigned to shut down German nuclear reactors' say current climate activists

"Nuclear energy is currently the main source of clean energy in the EU", underline the activists. “Countries like France and Sweden have seen rapid reductions in CO₂ in their energy production thanks to nuclear power” – a model, say these new protesters: “Across Europe, countries with nuclear power plants consistently have lower CO₂ emissions than those without nuclear power plants.”

This confirms that, in the end, extremists are always destined to be overcome…

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The article Green against green: climate activists in Germany fight against Greenpeace on nuclear power comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/verde-contro-verde-in-germania-gli-attivisti-climatici-lottano-contro-greenpeace-sul-nucleale/ on Tue, 29 Aug 2023 10:00:45 +0000.