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Economic Scenarios

Wages: maxi increases in Germany after the threat of an all-out railway strike

After tough negotiations and the threat of an indefinite strike, the German railway workers achieved a lot, although perhaps not what the more ambitious trade unionists wanted.

The largest German trade union in the sector and the railway authorities today signed an agreement, after very tough negotiations, which provide for workers:

  • 410 euro monthly salary increase;
  • a one-off bonus to compensate for the loss of income due to inflation in the last year equal to 2850 euros.

The Berlin newspaper Berliner Morgenpost praised the position of the trade union EVG which voted against the possibility of indefinite strikes and therefore to accept an agreement that initially did not seem to attract much enthusiasm among the workers. At the same time blocking the country would have harmed the union's popularity at a very delicate moment for the overall negotiations.

In the German system, trade unions have a great weight, also because they usually carefully protect workers' rights without exaggerating with strikes, but trying to maximize both the economic return and the protection of jobs.

Just like it happens in Italy. Or not?

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The article Wages: maxi increases in Germany after the threat of an all-out railway strike comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salari-maxi-aumenti-in-germania-dopo-la-minaccia-di-uno-sciopero-a-oltranza-delle-ferrovie/ on Tue, 29 Aug 2023 13:12:53 +0000.