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Economic Scenarios


Dear Italians, this is your new ABSOLUTE and IRRESPONSIBLE Sir, Klaus Regling. With the approval of the signature of the ESM by the House and, presumably at this time, the Senate, the balance of economic power shifts from the National States and the Commission to the ESM, word of Giampaolo Gali. Klaus Regling is ABSOLUTE, because, like the Kings of the pre-constitutional era, "Dissolved from the Law", above the law itself, and is IRRESPONSIBLE, in the sense that it does not respond to any authority, being established that it is above any legislation. After a thousand years of democratic progress, from the Free Municipalities to the Magna Carta, to the constitutional monarchies, to universal suffrage, to the vote for women, we managed to make a big leap back to the Holy Roman Empire with the Emperor, in this case "Director General "; above any jurisdictional power, with the difference that, then, at least there were potential political counterweights that have now disappeared. Welcome back to the Middle Ages, dear Servants of the Gleba.

He, Director General of the ESM, will decide, as written in the reformed ESM, when a public debt is "Solvable" or not, and the simple fact that he judges a debt to be unsolvable will lead, de facto, to the default of the debt itself with a cut that, for Italy, it will be around 1,500 million, with massive expropriation of savings, bank failures etc.

Thanks to the Five Star Movement, we put our destiny into good hands: Regling is known for the words, which he disputes, but which were heard by several witnesses, so "I don't care if the Greek pensioners go hungry : the important thing is that they pay their debts ". This nice gentleman looks more and more like a Brenno, with his Vae Victis, except that Furio Camillo is just not seen around.

I think that, with the spirit of submission and self-harm that runs through large layers of Italian society, starting with civil servants to move on to the entire political class, to the upper entrepreneurial class, to the kept ones of the RdC, perhaps a brutal and absolute emperor it is necessary, at least for a few decades or centuries. Because the importance of Freedom and Dignity can only be savored if they are lost. Of course we will keep simulacra of democracy, such as the Chamber, the Senate and the Government, but they will be, in fact, simulacra: after all, under Caracalla or Diocletian the Senate existed in Rome, only that it no longer counted for anything. Indeed the Roman Senate existed until 1144, disappearing when it tried to count something more. But they will only be empty symbols: the true power, "Absolute and Irresposnable" will be that of Mr. Regling, the new Holy Roman Emperor

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The article GREET YOUR NEW MASTER: KLAUS REGLING, L'IRRESPONSABILE comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salutate-il-vostro-nuovo-padrone-klaus-regling-lirresponsabile/ on Wed, 09 Dec 2020 16:55:10 +0000.