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Health card without chip: what to do

In the future, the health card will be distributed without the integrated chip, the electronic component that allows it to be used as a national service card to access the online portals of the Public Administration. Due to the recent international crisis which is causing difficulties in obtaining semiconductor materials, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has decided to reduce the costs of issuing cards by authorizing their distribution even without the presence of the chip.

The Mef also specified that subjects in possession of the new TS, without the electronic component, will be able to continue to use the old version equipped with a microchip until the end of 2023, extending the validity of the authentication certificate with a specific procedure.

SPID to replace the health card

However, the new health cards without microchips can be replaced by the SPID, the Public Digital Identity System, with which it is possible to access the online portals of national and local administrations, to one's own Health File and within the website of the Revenue Agency .

The Ministry's decision simplifies the procedures for accessing the digital services of the Public Administration and gives new impetus to the use of the SPID by citizens, which will allow the 32.8 million identities currently provided in Italy to be exceeded. The providers, the managers authorized to issue digital identity, are convinced of this, including InfoCert, the European leader in the sector, who underlines how the SPID represents a rapid procedure that allows citizens to dialogue with the main portals of national and local public bodies , receiving and sending important communications for everyday life in complete safety. In fact, thanks to two levels of authentication, respect for privacy is guaranteed and personal data is protected.

What does the decree of the Mef provide?

As can be read from the MEF decree " given the serious international crisis underway which determines the possible scarcity of the materials necessary for the production of the microchip" , the Ministry, for new issues and for sending duplicates, will be able to alternatively issue the TS-CNS, the National Service Card which includes the microchip and the simple TS version, which does not include this electronic component.

The new health cards, therefore, will have limited functionality compared to those issued to date: they will remain valid as a tax code and as a European health insurance document, but can no longer be used to authenticate and access the online portals of the Public Administration.

Despite the benefits deriving from the activation of the SPID, there remain some subjects who will continue to need the old TS to access some services provided by Public Health. An example is celiac subjects, who take advantage of the budgets made available by the regions for the purchase of specific products in supermarkets or pharmacies: they will be able to continue to use the expired document until 31 December 2023. The Ministry, in fact, has extended the validity of the health card equipped with a microchip. To obtain it, you need to download dedicated software, have the Pin and Puk codes and have a smart card reader. The software will recognize the document inserted in the device and will proceed to extend its validity.

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The article Health card without chip: what to do comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tessera-sanitaria-senza-chip-cosa-fare/ on Fri, 18 Nov 2022 14:13:10 +0000.