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Healthcare costs in certain regions. Can anyone explain them to us?

Covid-19 causes expenses to the National Health System and therefore also to the regions, which hold the reins. In general, around 6 billion euros are spent to cope with the emergency. So many, nothing when compared with the total expenditure of the state.

However, what is perplexing is the cost per patient incurred by the Regions and which we report, taken from La Verità

What we ask ourselves, and that we sincerely would like to know also from some well-informed readers, why a COVID-19 patient costs 75 thousand euros in Campania, 26 thousand euros in Puglia, and, to stay always in the South, 14 thousand euros in Calabria. Because we do not want to make a comparison with the super-efficient Lombardy, a region very affected by the epidemic and which has spent 5 thousand euros, but with a region in the past as much discussed as Calabria. How can Campania spend five times what Calabria spends on a patient and have long queues? Because I can assure you that another northern region, which spends a seventh of Campania, takes the tests within 24 hours of applying online and without any major problems.

This is not a question of politics or of "North Against South": Campania spend 3 times more than Puglia, another region in the South and led by the Left. This is a specific problem of Campani !! Dear De Luca, can you explain a bit why you spend so much?

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Article Healthcare costs in certain regions. Can anyone explain them to us? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/spese-sanitarie-in-certe-regioni-qualcuno-ce-le-puo-spiegare/ on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 06:00:45 +0000.