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Hope surrender, you are surrounded: even France presents a plan to abandon Covid-19 restrictions. In Italy State of emergency until December ??

The Speranza Brunetta government remains with the match on. With a somewhat surprising communication, but understandable given the now electoral environment, Jean Castex and Olivier VèRan will announce this evening at 7 the precise calendar of the end of health restrictions in France. If only so as not to anger the voters in the presidential year, Macron has decided a good turning point and, if nothing else, gives precise dates for the end of the official French pandemic.

In reality, the situation is still confused because not even two weeks ago the government voted to transform the "Pass Sanitaire", obtainable with tests, into a "Pass vaccinal" which instead is only active with vaccinations, but, in any case, this rule much contested in parliament and abroad, it has a set deadline of July 2022.

France, Spain, the UK, and other countries are easing or lifting restrictions. These will certainly remain valid in democratic and advanced countries such as China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan etc. What will the government do now? Will it go on to the sound of "States of Emergency"? Will Hope ask for third, fourth and fifth doses? Will he ask, how does it seem, for the extension of the state of emergency to December 2022? Will the deputies accept it like this, without a shot being fired, only to get to retirement in September? We await news

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The article Hope surrender, you are surrounded: even France presents a plan to abandon the Covid-19 restrictions. In Italy State of emergency until December ?? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/speranza-arrenditi-sei-circondato-perfino-la-francia-presenta-piano-per-abbandonare-le-restrizioni-covid-19-in-italia-stato-di-emergenza-sino-a-dicembre/ on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:04:17 +0000.