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How to reward your employees: the most useful tips

Have you ever thought about the importance of rewarding employees ? Yes, appreciation and recognition of their work can make a difference in team motivation and productivity .

There are many ways to reward employees – for example, shopping vouchers , an evergreen loved by all – but we also want to underline how good these gestures are for the company, employees and employers.

What are the most popular employee rewards?

In reality, rewards for employees are very different: they can be tangible , material, such as a prize or a gift , or perhaps intangible, such as a compliment . This is because some people may be much more motivated by monetary incentives, such as bonuses or salary increases.

Others, however, prefer extra benefits , such as the possibility of working one day a week in smart working, or having flexible working hours. It is important to consider the different options available, so as to find the most suitable one.

We also try to understand why employee rewards are important. After a compliment , many employees are automatically satisfied and fulfilled. Recognizing a talent, a strength, or a skill means rewarding them, constantly encouraging them to do their best

Any company benefits or shopping vouchers are further useful for increasing employee satisfaction , who in this way will feel truly appreciated by the employer.

In any case, the most used rewards to reward employees are productivity bonuses, performance bonuses and loyalty bonuses.

Productivity rewards

This economic gratification is enormously widespread in the world of work, as, once a year, the employer pays extra into the paycheck.

Performance bonuses

We are always talking about a financial bonus , which however is connected to the recognition of the work carried out by the employee , especially after his performance has been evaluated as more than positive.

Company loyalty award

Finally, it is also possible to take into consideration the company loyalty bonus , which instead consists of a surplus of money in the paycheck for employees who have worked with the company for a long time.

How to recognize employee commitment in the right way?

First of all, a " thank you " is always welcome: to some it may seem like an insignificant word, but, in reality, it expresses kindness, reassures people and shows that a relationship of trust is being established.

Not only that, many employees work hard to meet deadlines, to deliver their projects, to do their part and expand the business. Therefore, let us never forget to stop and thank them for the work they have done, because it is not so obvious.

A further suggestion we give is to be specific in your praise , because the risk is of appearing impersonal. And it's also important to express your appreciation at the right time : immediate feedback helps employees understand how to do their job well.

At the same time, praising excessively can cause the opposite effect : instead, compliments or a reward should only be given in certain cases.

In the end, employees will be really happy to work with us: with a prize, with recognition, we can cultivate the relationship in the best possible way and enhance everyone's work .

A small gesture for the company, but "big" for its workers.

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The article How to reward your employees: the most useful suggestions comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/come-premiare-i-propri-dipendenti-i-suggerimenti-piu-utili/ on Mon, 16 Oct 2023 22:01:10 +0000.