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Israel: 14 infected even after the third injection

The population of Israel is becoming a kind of world guinea pig on covid trials. First the mass vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine, then, as its effectiveness wanes, the decision to experiment with the booster injection, the third injection, already used in July,

now it seems that even the third injection of the Pfizer vaccine is not able to provide adequate coverage and does not stop the infections, as reported by the Times of Israel: " Data from the Ministry of Internal Health shows that 14 Israelis were infected with COVID- 19 a week after receiving a booster shot, Channel 12 news reports “.

The television network claims that 11 of the infected are over 60 years old, two of whom were hospitalized, while the other three received the third dose because they were immunosuppressed. Recall that Israel started this practice early, before official approval and that the same policy was confirmed by the UK and Germany.

If these data were confirmed it would be a serious blow to the vaccination policy that sought the famous "herd immunity". Israel is one of the countries in the world with the highest rate of vaccinated, about 5.2 million citizens with two injections. However, after reaching such a high level of inoculations there has been a new wave of infections and hospitalizations even among the vaccinated. Now it is not easy to understand whether these patients and those hospitalized with the third dose have already been infected before, or after the dose itself, but in the second case there is a risk of revealing the uselessness of booster injections.

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The article Israel: 14 infected even after the third injection comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/israele-14-contagiati-anche-dopo-la-terza-iniezione/ on Mon, 09 Aug 2021 07:43:37 +0000.