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Spain. The Supreme Court of Andalusia rejects the obligation of the Covid-Pass: harmful and disproportionate

With a sensational ruling, the Supreme Administrative Court of Andalusia (TSJA) rejected the obligation to show the Covid Pass, or Green Pass, to access discos and nightclubs in the region. The Green pass is granted upon full vaccination or anticovid-19 test, in which case its duration is for only 48 hours.

The administration of the region wanted to introduce it for access to nightclubs, but the TSJA has soundly rejected it for two reasons:

  • first of all, given that the holder of the Green Pass can still infect with Covid-19, despite being tested or vaccinated, the purpose of the rule is not achieved and this is therefore unsuitable and not proportionate;
  • furthermore, the rule lacks a deadline for its application;

The doubts relating to the limitation of people's rights and privacy and those of discrimination are of minor importance. The latter practically disappear when the vaccine becomes available to a large part of the population.

The fact is that m, while the TSJA of Andalusia in other cases authorized the curfews imposed by the individual municipalities, rejected the imposition of the Green pass precisely due to strong doubts about its effectiveness. After all, a few weeks ago the Spanish Minister of Health himself had expressed doubts about the possibility of applying it in Spain.

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The article Spain. The supreme court of Andalusia rejects the obligation of the Covid-Pass: harmful and disproportionate comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/spagna-la-corte-suprema-dellandalusia-boccia-lobbligo-del-covid-pass-dannoso-e-sproporzionato/ on Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:00:15 +0000.