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It is not the government of the Best. Draghi became politicized. Winners and Losers

If a balanced government is a government that displeases everyone, then the Draghi one has done quite well. Apart from a few single figures, very few have rejoiced in the new government.

One thing is certain: it is not the government of the "Best", it is not such, also due to the presence of some politically marked ministers. Let's say it is a political government, which in any case has taken some steps forward compared to Count II.

Now some opinions, purely personal, for which I waited 24 hours to decant the situation:

WHAT WORKS: the fact that there are no more Conte, the "Competent" Gualtieri, Azzolina and Bonafede. Four characters who, for different reasons, had brought Italian politics to the bottom. Count with his arrogance (remember the press conferences with two hours late) and his falsity will remain in history as one of the worst PdC. Loved only at Palazzo Chigi, for the hefty increases granted. the "Differently competent" Gualtieri, which would have been better replaced with a messenger from Brussels. Bonafede who managed to bring down the government because in two years he was unable to prepare a reform of justice acceptable to parliament. La Azzolina .. The name is enough. Some embarrassing political figures have left.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: What's left of the old government, to begin with. Di Maio is the lesser evil, also because the real foreign minister is Draghi, who, no coincidence, has not assigned to anyone the Ministry of European Affairs, of which for now he maintains the interim. At most the pentastellato will do some Public Relations. The problems are the other two. Hope has blatantly failed as a minister. He got it all wrong, the closures, the openings, the formation of the Technical Scientific Committee, so much so that he was questioned by the Bergamo prosecutor for the lack of the pandemic plan. Lamorgese has completely failed in migration policy, she admitted it herself, and yet she is still there.


LEU – the fact that someone like Speranza is still a minister is a huge victory.

Democratic Party: more than as ministers for "Technicians", including the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi, who is a Prodi man.

M5s (A slice) the slice of power of the M5s, the one that would have voted even Satan to stay in power, has placed its handful of men;


League: Place three men in interesting positions, but half the League is angry, rightly so. The sovereign side, the one most sacrificed, the one that helped keep it afloat most, comes out badly. The recognition of the role is missing.

Come on Italy. The ministers chosen in Forza Italia seem selected to break with the Center-Right. Only Gelmini is a true "Centristi", why is there no recognition of Tajani, or one of her men, who fought so hard to achieve this situation?

The Five Star Movement (partial). We will see what will emerge from the internal war in the Movement, if there is a split and how big. It is not certain that the splinters follow an increasingly Hamletic and isolated Di Battista.

We will listen to the speech in the Senate carefully, and maybe the team will be completed in a better way, but now it is no longer technical. Now it's political, virginity is lost.

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The article is not the government of the best. Draghi became politicized. Winners and Losers comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/non-e-il-governo-dei-migliori-draghi-si-e-politicizzato-vincitori-e-vinto/ on Sat, 13 Feb 2021 20:29:29 +0000.