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Italy, republic of hypocrisy: read Orfini, and tremble (or laugh)

Historian Alessandro Barbero recently joined the professors opposed to the Green Pass not because of his personal aversion to the vaccine, but because he was offended by the hypocrisy of a government that, in a rogue odo, wants to push citizens to the vaccine not with a clear obligation, but with absurd obligations for the unvaccinated.

It could be otherwise, given the quality of the men who reign in the current majority as total sovereigns, that is the piddini and pentastellati, which accompany a claim of omniscence to a presumption of superiority and intangibility from any power, starting with the people.

The most obvious example is Piddino Matteo Orfini who published a post on Twitter that explains very well how he feels compared to the rest of the citizens:

So parliamentarians have constitutional rights, such as the right to enter the courtroom, so they are not required to have a green pass to enter parliament. The other citizens obviously do not have constitutional rights, such as that of free movement, personal freedom, equality among all citizens. No, he, and his fellows, have constitutional rights, while the others are only subjects.

There are exceptional things, unique in the world, in Italy: for example that Matteo Orfini still carries out politics, rather than some socially, and personally, useful activity.

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The article Italy, republic of hypocrisy: read Orfini, and tremble (or laugh) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/italia-repubblica-dellipocrisia-leggete-orfini-e-tremate-o-ridete/ on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 10:49:08 +0000.