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Le Pen will get the vote of at least 60% of the cops. The data of the latest polls

The little music reflects a reality, as evidenced by the latest wave of the French electoral survey by the Center for Political Research of Sciences Po (Cevipof), conducted by Ipsos from 9 to 15 April 2021. In a part of the study that Il Parere reveals in exclusive, we find that the police and the army would vote 44% for Marine Le Pen in the presidential elections of 2022, 24% for Xavier Bertrand and 20% for Emmanuel Macron. In the second presidential round of 2023, 60% would choose Marine Le Pen against the outgoing president. A step forward since, according to the same study, 57% of the police and military say they voted in favor in the second round of 2017.

"This is a minimum of 60%," said Luc Rouban, CNRS research director at Cevipof, who is responsible for analyzing this data. The figure is undoubtedly even more impressive when broken down: the sample also includes soldiers, retired policemen and officers, three categories that vote less on the far right than active policemen. "There is a strong disparity because the vote is linked to the level of the diploma and the police environment remains divided between commissioners and agents," observes Luc Rouban. Similarly, 51% of retired police officers would vote Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron in 2022, but this percentage becomes 74% of active police officers!

Vicinnza alla Le Pen or distrust of Macron? Both, reveals the Cevipof study. In detail, the secretariat of the RN enjoys a positive image. Almost half of law enforcement agencies (48%) believe that "they understand the problems of people like us", compared to just 13% of Emmanuel Macron and 27% of Xavier Bertrand. The majority (52%) believe that Marine Le Pen “really wants to change things”, twenty points ahead of Macron (32%) and twice Bertrand (27%). The security forces pull up the Navy scores which judge to 42% that Marine Le Pen would do better than the Head of State (against 28% of the national average) and only 35% consider it worrying (against 51% ).

While Macron seems stuck in the problems of managing public order and security, Le Pen is confirmed as France's most credible expression of the Order. The transalpine country feels very strongly this lack of seriousness and the presence of destructive pressures based on racial or religious factors. The letter of the twenty generals that we have talked about several times in these pages does not come from nothing, but from a felt malaise that runs throughout the country and that Macron's five years have even exacerbated.

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The article La Le Pen will get the vote of at least 60% of the policemen. The data of the latest polls comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-le-pen-prendera-il-voto-di-almeno-il-60-dei-poliziotti-i-dati-degli-ultimi-sondaggi/ on Sun, 16 May 2021 16:07:32 +0000.