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Macron wants to “piss off even more” the no vax to convince them. Meanwhile it goes to the bottom in Parliament

In a 360-degree interview with Le Parisien , French President Emmanuel Macron revealed his strategy to persuade the still numerous French No Vaxes to be vaccinated:

I'm not pissing off the French. But as for the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off and we will continue to do so, until the end. This is the strategy,

Among other things, the French term used by the president is "Emmerder", which in Italian has a rather particular sound, let's say very strong. So the president's strategy is to make the life of his fellow citizens no vax the hardest, the most humiliating, the most unlikely possible, in order to make them miss their departure and get them vaccinated. As long as he still considers them his fellow citizens …

These words have aroused very harsh reactions, both in the opposition and in the parliamentary majority. Although it is true that all government measures have the purpose of pushing, through oppression, the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, to say so openly, speaking with enormous contempt, had never been seen before. The controversy was obviously enormous, even from the parties that support the president:

When a President of the Republic @EmmanuelMacron delights in wanting to "piss off 5 million French" even if the majority disagree that they do not get vaccinated, we can say that he has abandoned the presidential function: #Rassembler He is fired in 2022

and this is one of the more moderate comments.

The political consequences did not take long to make themselves felt: in Parliament, discussions had to begin again on the transformation of the current "Health Pass", which therefore provides for the option of tests, into a real "Vaccinal Pass", that is, an obligation hidden vaccination. The works, already blocked on January 3 due to a kind of parliamentary ambush, were again blocked after the controversy caused by these words. If Macron's will was to politically unblock the situation, the result was completely the opposite.

After all, only in Italy can words of contempt be openly expressed and re-elected, as happened with the "Hardness of Living" or with the young "Choosy" of Montiana memory. In France you can do filth, but at least you have to pretend to save appearances.

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The Macron article wants to "piss off even more" the no vax to convince them. Meanwhile it goes to the bottom in Parliament comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/macron-vuole-far-incavolare-ancora-di-piu-i-no-vax-per-convicerli-intanto-va-a-fondo-in-parlamento/ on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:57:10 +0000.