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Economic Scenarios

Malvezzi: “The devastating damage of the lockdown in Italy”

There is talk of damage to the economy caused by the Lockdown at RadioRadio, with Valerio Malvezzi. A scenario that was not rosy at all that the Professor already announced to our microphones last March: Italian GDP at -18%, a collapse in the turnover of joint-stock companies to -19.7% and, more disconcerting, a number that amounts to approximately 750,000 jobs lost among employees and self-employed workers. In short, the situation is far worse than it seems. And if it is useless to create alarmism, it is so useful to become aware of the true state of things. The reason is simple, according to the Professor: to take advantage of the time that separates us from the final collapse to change course.

In this video the data analysis by Valerio Malvezzi together with Francesco Vergovich and Fabio Duranti. “What impact did the lockdown have on Italy? Things went badly all over Europe . But the discourse of the common evil is not valid. In Italy, the GDP growth rate went from -12% in the 1st quarter of 2019 to -18% in the 2nd quarter of 2020. In March I said that I expected to go from -10% to -15% of GDP as of December 31st. Do we want to acknowledge the fact that my predictions may not be madness? Do we realize that the Italian economy is in ruins? ".

At cneari we are a bit more optimistic than Malvezzi and we expect a drop between 10% and 12%. But the best part will come in 2021, with the explosion of unemployment, because we are not the Soviet Union and we cannot go on forever with the ban on dismissal. At that point the Conte government, squeezed between bankruptcies and unemployment, will go into crisis.

Have a good listening.

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The Malvezzi article : "The devastating damage of the lockdown in Italy" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/malvezzi-i-devastanti-danni-del-lockdown-in-italia/ on Sun, 22 Nov 2020 16:09:47 +0000.