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Economic Scenarios

Marketing to see and to be seen (by Romina Giovannoli)

To be successful in marketing, you don't have to focus on the mass, but on a small group of people that Seth Godin calls the smallest viable market. So you choose the people who want what you offer, the people who are most receptive to a certain message and who will tell the other right people. “The smallest viable market is the focus, which in an ironic and wonderful way leads to growth” (Godin, 2018, p.45). Once you have found this portion of the market you have to pour all the attention in order to make the change happen. “A change so profound that people can't help but talk about it” (Godin, 2018, p.46).

The best marketers don't seek membership through flashy advertisements, but they earn it by looking for the people who want the change they offer. Plus, they win membership by making a promise which they then keep, tell a story, relentlessly. If this story is well structured and meets favor, it will lead to word of mouth and conversations between peers.

If you haven't found a great new way to deliver your product or service, rushing to be the cheapest means not investing in change.

When you are cheaper you do not promise change, but the same thing as before cheaper.

“The race to the bottom is tempting because nothing is easier to see than what is cheaper. It requires no new calculations or deep thinking from your client. It is not a cultural or emotional fact. It is simply something cheaper.

The lowest price is the ultimate haven from a marketer who has run out of generous ideas.

Lowering the price doesn't make you more trustworthy. It does the opposite ”(Godin, 2018, pp.182-184).

Since the consumer chooses the product they think is best for them, marketers need to identify a space on the map of benefits that people (some people) want to find. Not a utilitarian unique selling proposition to maximize your market share, but a signal that allows you to be easily found.

Ultimately, rather than finding customers for your products and services, you have to create products and services for the customers you want to serve. This “is like the example of the padlock and the key. You don't have to run around grabbing every lock imaginable to try out your key. Rather, find the people you want to address (the lock) and, since you are interested in their dreams and desires, create a key just for them, the one in exchange for which they will trade their attention ”(Godin, 2018, pp. 60-61).

Romina Giovannoli

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The article Marketing to see and to be seen (by Romina Giovannoli) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-marketing-per-vedere-e-per-essere-visti-di-romina-giovannoli/ on Sat, 29 Oct 2022 11:30:58 +0000.