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Meluzzi: I carry you in the head of the “Big Pharma”

What's in the head of a human being when he adheres sine die to a movement, a thought, an idea without needing too many logical reasoning? What is the reason for their sense of belonging and the passion with which a case is defended against a group considered adverse to it? A sociologist would answer this question by speaking of identity reasons, of the need to belong to the herd, of bias and ideological prejudice that hides the need to orient oneself in an unknown world.

A psychiatrist like Alessandro Meluzzi responds with totalitarianism and the sense of security that non-thinking gives: thus, at the time of Covid , no-vax and pro-vax claim to be absolutely sure of the cause for which they are fighting, without having to ask themselves too many. questions to make the decision to vaccinate against coronavirus or not, to wear a mask or not , to respect social distancing or not . Virtually human beings engage in self-destructive behaviors, like animals, as long as these are approved by the group. When a majority deviates, then the behaviors of individuals are diverted to follow them, and this becomes normal.

This also explains the deviation of the left, the one that shouted "Forbidden to forbid", of the "Fantasy in power", have now become the henchmen of Big Pharma power and restrictions, like a Galli who as a young man was the extreme left Katanga and now he is the guardian of restrictions.

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The article Meluzzi: I carry in the head of the "Big Pharma" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/meluzzi-vi-porto-nella-testa-dei-big-pharma/ on Thu, 17 Jun 2021 10:00:14 +0000.