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Provence Lepenista: RN’s candidate with strong advantage in Provence

In the south of France, Marine Le Pen hopes her party will finally win a regional election and thus increase her chances of winning the presidential elections.

Although the winner of Sunday's vote in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur will only address local issues such as transport and school buildings, the stakes are high as Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN) party could for the first once to conquer one of the 13 great French regions. This would give her party the opportunity to demonstrate that it can govern more than the cities where it has been relegated up to now. As the RN is fielding a strong candidate, the odds of Le Pen's hopes paying off also look good.

The victory in the PACA would mark a decisive turning point for the RN, with the possibility of demonstrating, in a definitive way, that the tactic of traditional parities of "Isolation" in the long run does not work, indeed it strengthens the party itself.

Le Pen recruited his regional candidate carefully. Thierry Mariani is an expert politician of the center-right party Les Républicains (LR), aiming to create credibility with the voters and to annex a part of the moderate right, all with a view to normalizing the RN to allow mass acceptance. . The strategy appears to be working. In the electoral polls the RN is in first place in the first round, but it is also a winner, for the first time, in the second round. Nationally, the RN also ranks first in six regions and on track to surpass its 2015 regional performance when it won the most votes in the first round.

At an election rally in the medieval city of Brignoles, Renaud Muselier, the incumbent president of the LR, urged voters not to fall into Le Pen's trap, arguing that Mariani was a "Trojan horse" to attract voters from the traditional right. "It is worrying that people confuse presidential elections with local ones: don't make this mistake!", Trying to keep voters tied up and breaking free from Macron's widespread unpopularity. The risk is that the moderates will vote for Le Pen in the regional and presidential elections!

After all, many politicians are making this year's regional votes as a dress rehearsal for the presidential elections next May, where the race sees Le Pen and Macron side by side, just like in 2017.

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The article Provenza Lepenista: RN's candidate with a strong advantage in Provence comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/provenza-lepenista-il-candidato-di-rn-in-forte-vantaggio-in-provenza/ on Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:40:02 +0000.