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Mothers Courage, the real ones. 32 years after the Tiananmen Square crackdown, mothers still go to their children’s graves

On the 32nd anniversary of June 4, seven surviving members of the Tiananmen Mothers group, including Zhang Xianling and You Weijie, went to Beijing's Wan'an Cemetery in the morning to pay their respects to their relatives who died 32 years ago. In a short eulogy they said that "they will fight to the end and to the death" and "justice will definitively defeat evil". All in all in a country whose government sends citizens to re-education camps for much less and where social control is suffocating.

The eulogy narrates the eight boys who died as young patriots who took to the streets with passion to give their lives for their ideals

. The eulogy pointed out that over the past 32 years the pain in their hearts has not diminished at all: they have only buried their pain deep in their hearts, dried their tears and demanded justice from those in power who deprived theirs. dear to their right to survival.

The eulogy mentioned that many died in those days, but "We who are alive will surely carry a heavier burden and fight to the end, to the death!"

At the end of the eulogy: “We believe that justice will defeat evil! The executioners must be forever nailed to the infamous pillar of shame! "

These are the brave Chinese mothers, who challenge an absolute government to honor their dead children. We would need billions of people like that

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The article Mothers Courage, the real ones. 32 years after the Tiananmen Square repression, mothers still go to their children's tomb T comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/madri-coraggio-quelle-vere-a-32-anni-dalla-repressione-di-piazza-tienanmen-madri-vanno-ancora-alla-tomba-dei-figlit/ on Fri, 04 Jun 2021 09:00:05 +0000.