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Twitter blocks vccinal skeptics, who had obtained 3000 emails from Fauci

A group of vaccine skeptics were temporarily blocked from their Twitter account after claiming they got thousands of new emails from White House Covid-19 adviser Anthony Fauci, with Tiwtter labeling the post as "misinformation."
On Thursday the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) posted to announce the upcoming release of 3,000-page emails Fauci which he claimed he got in a request for freedom of information, after the media published a huge correspondence amount of the health advisor earlier this week.

“The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is releasing 3,000 new pages of FOIA's Fauci emails TODAY, providing more information on Anthony Fauci's actions on Covid, vaccine safety and more,” the group said in the post now. deleted, which was preserved in a screenshot shared by activist Michelle Malkin.

The screencap shows that Twitter deleted the post for breaking its policy of "disseminating misleading and potentially harmful information relating to Covid-19," although the platform did not specify which aspect of the tweet was false or deceptive. What's deceptive about claiming to have legitimately obtained Fauci's emails?

While Twitter's Covid-19 disinformation policy says it will remove content that makes "a factual, final statement" that is "demonstrably false or misleading," the ICAN post does not appear to meet that standard by making no claims. factual as well as claiming to have emails. Twitter, which did not respond to RT's request for comment, provided no indication that it contacted ICAN to determine if it really owned the emails as claimed.

When asked about the authenticity of the alleged 3,000 pages of messages from a Twitter user Thursday night, ICAN creative director Patrick Layton said the emails were "requested and produced through the Freedom of Information Act" and that "the team ICAN Legal is filling them in ”for release. Neither Layton nor ICAN itself have revealed any other details about the alleged new treasure, which remained unedited at the time of writing.

On its website, ICAN states that its primary goal is to disseminate "scientifically researched health information" to the public to enable them to make their own informed medical decisions. However, the group was also targeted for disseminating vaccine misinformation, identified as a "key anti-vaccine organization" in a recent report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

The fact remains that it is enough to talk about Fauci and new documents to be banned from twitter !!

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The Twitter article blocks the vccinal skeptics, who had obtained 3000 emails from Fauci coming from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/twitter-blocca-gli-scettici-vccinali-che-avevano-ottenuto-3000-email-di-fauci/ on Fri, 04 Jun 2021 08:33:18 +0000.